Whenever a species is forced/made to live in an alien habitat, eventually it adapts itself to the atmosphere in which it exists. Birds, for example are free spirits naturally. However when they are caged for life, they are forced to exist that way. Image from unsplash Either the species adapts itself to it's habitat or, it perishes due to unfavorable conditions.…
Read moreImage from unsplash As rightly stated by Buddha, "Attachment leads to suffering". If I were to describe 'attachment', in a word, I'd say, it's perilous. Overwhelming too, at times. For, your whole life can be centered around that one particular aspect. And that, is the worst kind of misery. In this article, "Attachments and detachmen…
Read moreImage from unsplash "Anything that affects the gut also affects the brain", said Dr.Charles Major. What you eat has a direct, long-lasting impact on your brain. Like the adage goes, you are what you eat. This might sound ridiculous but The fact that depression, stress, anxiety, and related disorders are also linked to poor gut health along with …
Read more"Things that we've lost always have a way of coming back to us in the end, if not in the way we expect" is a dialogue/quote from the renowned Harry Potter series, not verbatim, but that's the essence of it. In life, we lose stuff. We lose things . We lose people. Annnnnd it's not easy because every time you lose something that's dear to you…
Read moreThroughout my life, I have pondered one thing mainly. And that is- why are we unhappy? By 'we', I suppose all humans collectively. We always associate the idea of happiness with the 'if' clause. Often, I have heard things like, I would be happy if I had a million dollars, I would be happy if I led a lavish life, I would be happy if there were no prob…
Read more5 Ways Sugar is bad for your brain: How to reduce sugar intake? 5 Ways Sugar is bad for your brain: How to reduce Sugar intake? [ Contributor- Gina Mc.Kenzie (Founder, GEM Public Relations ) ] Illuminating the harsh effects of sugar consumption, Karen Salmansohn, Self-help Author stated, “Sugar is the sociopath of foods. It acts sweet…but it’s really poison”. Not e…
Read moreHow does screen time impact brain, cognition, and mental health? How does Screen time impact Brain, Cognition, and Mental health? As rightly stated by Albert Einstein, “All of our exalted technological progress, civilization for that matter, is comparable to an axe in the hands of a pathological criminal”. Inevitably, technology plays a very significant role in our…
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