Don't be in a rush to live!

Image from unplash by Radu

"Enjoy life. There's plenty of time to be dead", quoted Hans Christian. Sometimes, we get over ambitious. Don't we? Planning everything ahead, and fretting about it. Planning ahead, is definitely a great thing, for it gives you a jumpstart and you clearly know where you're headed to. But that doesn't mean you should rush to live. 

One should be aware of one's boundaries. This applies to all concepts of life. I was a humongously ambitious person. I always used to plan every single thing concerning my life. Now, it might sound morbid, but I even planned on how my death and funeral should be, when I was just 16. Now that I think of it, it's gruesome. 

We're so lost in the humdrum of life that rarely do we pay attention to the things happening in our lives. Have you known that just paying attention to your breath could drastically improve your life? 

When in doubt, breathe. When you're anxious, just breathe. When you're hungry, along with grabbing a snickers, BREATHE. When life gets too hard on you, kick aside every freaking thing and take a break. 

A break could be anything. It could vary from person to person. Basically, a break is something that recharges you, and makes you feel alive yet again. 

Another sin our busy robust lives make us commit is losing out on our hobbies. Everyone has some or the other kind of hobby. Pursuit of your hobby helps improve your emotional, mental, and physical health as well. It could boost your brain functioning. If you are among the unfortunate ones who have given up on your favorite pastimes, maybe you should think again. Pursuing your hobby is of paramount importance to your overall wellbeing. 

Sometimes in life, it's better not to rush. Sometimes, it's better to just go slow. Enjoy the moment. Cherish the NOW. Live every moment to its fullest. Make mistakes. Only then would you have something to laugh at in your future. Let go of everything that’s burdening you. Just breathe. Surrender yourself to the divine.

Sometimes in life, it's better not to take control and let destiny be the game changer. Surrender to the divine and let life unfold. Slow and steady wins the race. Who knew that the tortoise would win against the hare? Sometimes turning into a tortoise is your best bet. Taking a break from monotony doesn’t cost you a bit.

But the 'slow and steady' doesn't always work in all cases. You can't be 'slow' in a race, for, the fastest wins. It's on you to find the balance. For my friend, when balance is lost, everything is lost. Live your life such a way that when you look back, you’d have nothing to regret. 

Live every moment fully. Don't be in a rush to live life and experience everything. Take it slow. Make time for yourselves, make time for the people that matter, take breaks, go on vacations, eat, breathe, laugh, cry, but, most importantly, embrace all kinds of situations, whether good or bad. For, the good ones, you cherish, and learn from the bad ones.

When you get old and look back, all that you see is memories, hard work, love, and the respect you earned. That’s all you take to grave. Nothing else. Utilize the time that's left for you on this exotic planet. Smile and make someone else smile. Being too philosophical and preachy, ain't I? 

As rightly stated by the connoisseur, Shakespeare, "Love all, trust a few, do wrong to none". With that I conclude. Don't forget that the best is yet to come. 


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