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Intuition and the subconscious mind: How to tap into your intuition? |
Intuition and the Subconscious mind
"The intuitive mind is a sacred gift and the rational mind is a faithful servant. We have created the society that honors the servant and has forgotten the gift", said Albert Einstein. Intuition can be likened to guiding light and a directing voice. Stemming from the subconscious mind, intuition helps us in taking important decisions in our lives.
Even until a few years back, our sophisticated science has ruled out the prominence of intuition, claiming it pseudoscience. Recent studies and theories suggest that intuition is indeed a very real psychological process. There’s nothing eerie or paranormal about it.
In this article, we discuss intuition scientifically. We shall discuss what intuition is, its prominence, and the role it plays in our daily lives. To understand intuition you will be given an insight into the workings of your subconscious mind. And then, we shall explore ways to tap into intuition and develop it for your own good.
What exactly is intuition?
Well, there's no precise definition but, it could simply be put as the communication between our conscious mind and the subconscious mind. It's the gut feeling that you experience quite often. It's an instinctive feeling, a hunch, as many people call it. It can also be called ‘the sixth sense'. Your intuition is the voice of your subconscious mind that guides you. It cannot be heard, it is just felt. You just know it.
Intuition and the Subconscious mind
Your subconscious mind is the storage unit of all sorts of memories that you experience in your life. The subconscious mind literally remembers everything including the minutest and unnoticeable details too. It notes everything you see, hear, feel, taste, and touch. All these experiences penetrate into the deeper levels of your mind, like indistinct, faded memories. When the situation calls for it, the subconscious mind signals to the conscious mind, with regard to past experiences. This communication between the two is so drift that it can't be felt.
This explains why we all have certain phobias. If someone has acrophobia (fear of heights), it is because that person must have been terribly scared to death at an early point in his life. And that fear leaves an indelible impact on the subconscious which later cautions that person regarding extreme heights. You can’t just be afraid of something simply without a reason. If something frightens you, then there must be a story behind it. Even your dreams are mere reflections of the stuff imprinted on your subconscious mind.
It is through these past experiences that your subconscious mind or the intuitive mind guides you. 95% of the choices and decisions we make in our lives stem from the subconscious mind or intuition, most of us are unaware of it :)
Intuition in our daily lives
Whether you are aware of it or not, intuition plays a key role in our lives. An offspring knows its mother intuitively. It is not just humans that possess this gift. Even animals and birds do. The relationship between a baby and mother is also based on intuition. People believe in love at first sight, first impressions, deja vu, etc. Many women and men claim that they knew their partner was ‘the one’ when they met the very first moment. How far that is true is unknown though:) As the phrase goes, first impression is the best impression. Your intuition warns you against the impending danger
We all have been told to listen to our heart and follow our gut. Thinking from a scientific standpoint, does the heart really speak? Or is it possible to follow your gut, literally? Not at all. They are just metaphors that actually suggest intuition. Even telepsychics are based on intuition. Clairvoyance, clairaudience, and claircognizance are all based on intuition. Psychic abilities too are laid on intuitions- Premonitions and visions. . Déjà vu is also based on intuition. It is perhaps, one of the greatest and intricate examples of intuition. It is basically, a feeling that something happening now has already happened or occurred in the past.
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Even people who need no introduction, like Einstein, Tesla, Napoleon Bonaparte, and many others accredited their success to the voice in their head- intuition. It would be absurd to say that it was solely intuition that helped them scale lofty heights. Definitely, not. Their struggle combined with their intuition.
What is the prominence of intuition?
Your intuition is your inner voice, which guides you. When you learn to tap into it, your life will be different. You become more creative, productive, and live with much higher energy levels. You can make the right decisions easily. There won't be any hesitation in your life. But, we can't listen to our inner voice because we are already preoccupied with the clutter and chatter of the external world. This external clamor is the hindrance that doesn't let you listen to your subconscious mind. Steve Jobs called, 'intuition', more important than 'intellect'.
According to Sustainability expert, Hannah Schorch, Intuition is a window connecting us to our subconscious and other layers of reality and perception, beyond physical life. It is based on the understanding that everything is energy, that we are interlinked with everything due to everything being energy, which enables us to connect in a quantum manner beyond our physicality to information, insights, and guidance. Quantum mechanics shows the science behind these understandings.
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Intuition allows us to get acquainted with the understanding that we are much more than we may believe and that there is more beyond our linear way of thinking and perceiving. As a result, this gives us a wider perspective about ourselves, life, our choices, and connects us to meaning and purpose, which makes us happy conscious human beings living the life of our dreams.
How to tap into your intuition?
Now comes the actual question, how to tap into your intuition? Let's face it. It is not that easy. For, many of us, live either in the past or in the future, barely paying attention to the present, and the now. Our minds are always scrambled and polluted with sundry thoughts and emotions, that we actually forget to 'live'. Our body, mind, and soul are all connected. Our lifestyle is hindering this prevalent connection. That is exactly why we are 'logged out' of our natural balance, harmony, and feel purposeless. Your intuition tries to communicate with you always unendingly. But, due to a babel of noise, pre-existing in your head, your intuition's voice remains unheard or unnoticed, most of the time. The pandemonium you create in your life is to be blamed.
1. Meditation
Meditation is the process of forgetting everything around you, in your vicinity and paying attention to the silence below the Heart chakra. It gets your mind off the mundane sphere. It's the best way to develop intuition. To kick off with meditation, choose a comfortable place to sit and relax. Once you find it, sit down, resting your palms on your legs. Slowly breathe in and breathe out. Note that the exhaling period should be longer than the inhaling one. When you do this, a hullabaloo of thoughts keeps running in your mind, in the beginning. Try to fight them away. They come back. Fight them away, again. They come back, yet again. It would be a bit annoying. Never mind. Keep going. For, you will surely notice better results after consistent practice.
2.Practice Mindfulness
Mindfulness suggests staying in the present, ‘the now’. . Try to focus your wholeness into this moment. The monkey mind keeps wanderingThat’s why it needs to be tethered to this particular moment. One must practice mindfulness. It can be done in several ways which include, art, sketching, painting, quilling, gardening, listening to or playing music, dancing, storytelling or writing, poetry, reading a book, etc. That way, you can stay mindful alongside improving your skills and talents.
3.Let go of negativity
When your mind is obsessed with pessimistic thoughts, anger, frustration, jealousy, and greed, it cannot hear the inner voice. Negative emotions cloud your inner voice making it tougher for you.
That's why we often tend to make the wrong decisions when we are angry. So, leave the negative thoughts and emotions behind and go with the flow. The best way to let go of these negative emotions is to be expressive. Never suppress your inner emotions or feelings. If you do so, they would rot within you and culminate into something ghastly. Just let them go. Find a medium of expression. It doesn’t matter even if you are an inexpressive person. For, every person has some or the other way of expressing things.
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4. Wondering about things
Until 7 years of our life, like a sponge, we absorb everything we see, hear, and learn. That’s why kids are known to be quick learners. As we grow up, our learning capacity decreases. That's why our minds become feeble and relatively less efficient. There’s a reason why this happens. As kids, everything around strikes us thus burgeoning our curiosity levels. We wonder about things in awe and pay attention to almost everything and everybody. But as we grow up, the routine bothers us and we barely pay attention to anything that we consider is unimportant. It's time to rekindle the childish side of you. . Pay attention to what's happening around you. Be more recipient with your senses. Sense things around you. Never stop the influx of wisdom.
So when you start wondering about things, you are instantly developing curiosity. As rightly stated by Samuel Johnson, “Curiosity is one of the most permanent and certain characteristics of a vigorous intellect”.
5.Tuning in with yourself
The more relaxed you are, the more intuitive you are. The more stressed you are, the more un-intuitive you are. Learn to live by listening to your heart. By listening to binaural beats at 432MZ while you sleep you would be able to deeply reduce anxiety and calm your mind. These sound techniques allow us to access the deep and untapped layers of our subconscious mind to bring us a clear vision.
Practice journaling. Let your emotions flow through your words. When you practice this, you will become more and more productive. Be grateful for everything you have. Feel gratitude. It sounds ironic but, silence has a sound too. Listen to it. Most importantly, listen to yourself throughout your day and especially before you go to sleep and when you wake up. Take time to check in with yourself throughout your day: How are you feeling? What are you thinking? Where is that coming from? What do I want right now?
No matter what you do, your ultimate aim must be to still the wheels of your mind thus, preventing further mess. Don’t mistake intuition for ignorance. Learn to balance the thoughts of the rational mind and the subconscious mind. One must be clear about one’s boundaries, whether in thought or in action.
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